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Email: Website audit

Magnifying glass, words "Website Audit" on a small blackboard
Dojono via Flickr

Directions: Respond to this email as though you are Ms. Uchida. REQUEST a quotation that includes a competitive analysis, and ask TWO questions about their service. (Possible questions include when the audit might happen, how long it will take, if the website will need to be inactive during the audit, etc.)

Dear Ms. Uchida,

We’d like to thank you for sending in your inquiry on November 6th regarding a quotation for auditing your website.

Based on an initial estimation, we are happy to offer you a quotation based on your requests. Please find the official pricing quotation attached to this email. Note that this quotation includes website performance, search engine, and conversion rate optimization. Should you want additional services, we’d be happy to discuss it further with you and provide another quotation.

Please do not hesitate to get back to us with any questions about the quotation or our services.

Yours sincerely,

Amina Khouri, Sales Manager

[Attached quotation]

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