English Writing Correction

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New Zealand is choosing a new flag, and so far the results are a disaster.
A  boy wearing glasses
When we are talking about countable things, we can use ONE or ONES if it is clear what we are talking about.
An image of a scale
Some verbs can talk about a state or describe an action, but the meaning changes.
A pair of bee-eaters
Usually you can use A/AN or ONE if you are talking about one thing, but in some cases we prefer ONE.
A comparison of the English verbs "look at", "watch" and "see".
This simple article tells you when you should use "see", "look at" or "watch".
Don't make any of these common mistakes when you speak to foreigners in Japan.
Don't let people think you are an alcoholic. Be careful how you talk about 飲み会 or "going drinking".


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