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Elvis meets Nixon
When I was teaching in Japan, many of my students would say something like this: "This is our FIRST TIME TO MEET, so let me introduce myself." It sounds OK, but it's a mistake!
Man running in front of red wall
Using [VERB] + ing adds more to your sentence and makes your writing more sophisticated. Learn three ways to use the present participle when you write.
It is difficult to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, but there are some ways to guess and some rules to help you.
Learn about a rarely used, odd-looking, formal expression that seems like bad grammar.
You can use 'can' or 'be able to' to talk about ability, but not always. This article explains when to use 'can' and when to use 'be able to'.
The police stop a driver
When you use a causative verb, think about nuance and context. This article explains the differences.
Words like "make", "force" and "let" are called "causatives". They show that a person does not choose to do an action themselves. They are asked to do it by another person who has some kind of power.
Confused about the simple past and present perfect? Don't be! This article reviews the simple past and present perfect and then explains ONE really easy way to choose when to use the simple past.
A  boy wearing glasses
When we are talking about countable things, we can use ONE or ONES if it is clear what we are talking about.


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