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European Union flag

Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? 

Africa, Asia, Oceania, The Middle East and the Americas should all unite like the EU.

Nuclear power plant

Agree or disagree: The use of nuclear power should be expanded.

Write an essay of three or more paragraphs (around 200 words) on the given topic covering three of these points:

  • demand for electricity;
  • disposal of nuclear waste;
  • global warming;
  • price of oil;
  • renewable energy; and
  • safety.
Family at Denali National Park

Write an essay of three or more paragraphs (around 200 words) on the given topic covering THREE of these points: biodiversity; ecotourism; rights of indigenous peoples; population growth; economic development; and international cooperation.

Do the world's wilderness areas need to be better protected?

Typesetting letter A in different fonts

The world should speak one language.

Write two paragraphs. Write a paragraph supporting this view, then write a paragraph arguing against this position.

disadvantaged person getting food out of a trash bin

Write an essay of three or more paragraphs (around 200 words) on the given topic covering three of these points:

  • climate change;
  • genetically modified crops;
  • fair trade;
  • international aid;
  • transfer of technology; and
  • war.

Should more be done to eliminate world hunger?

two people, beach, dog, shadows

Write an essay about the following topic:

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer?


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