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Teacher and students in Kenya, Africa, walking in a line outdoors

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Write a paragraph to support your opinion.

A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. 

Woman teaching class of adults

For centuries, people have followed the Latin proverb, Docendo discimus—"By teaching, we learn." 

Write a few sentences about what the proverb means, and perhaps a time when you have experienced it in your own life.

Cellphone with dictionary entry for "design"

Some large companies are making the switch to English as the official in-house language. What do you think about it? What are the pitfalls of such a move? What is to be gained? Would you like for your company to have such a policy?

A brother and sister

Who do  you feel closest to in your family? Talk about your relationship and the things you do together. Why do you think you get along best with him/her?

People eating on a terrace in front of a restauran

Where is your favourite place to eat out? Say why you like it and what you have when you go there. Describe the food and the atmosphere.

Older man reading a book with stacks of books in the background

Tell us about your favourite book. What's so great about it? What is it about? Summarize the story and talk about the characters. Does it have a special message? What is it?

Fireworks in front of the Emirates Palace Hotel, UAE

Talk about the different national holidays in your country. Which is your favourite? Why? What happens on that day?

Treasure chest open with gold light shining out

What is your most important possession? Describe it and why it is worth everything to you.

Group of children sitting on the edge of a pool by a beach splashing with their feet

What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it in detail. Say what happened, and try to say how you felt then and how you feel now looking back.

Two young African women friends

Who is your best friend? How did you meet him/her? How long have you known each other? Why are you friends? What do you like about your friend? What do you think your friend likes about you?


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