English Writing Correction

Check your writing fast and get amazing feedback from a professional teacher.

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  • Fast service.
  • 100% private.
  • Professional quality.

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Pro teachers

Poligo English teachers are professionals, so your English will be professional too.

Fast service

You can expect your writing back in less than 8 hours. If it takes more than 24 hours, it's free!


Chat with your teacher about your writing to learn more and dig deeper. It's part of the service.


Compare your writing with the teacher's and easily see how to improve your English.

Use anywhere

Poligo works on your PC, tablet or mobile, so you can get help with your writing everywhere you go.

From 1.5¢ USD per character

It's free to join, and you can pay as you go. See Poligo's prices.

100% private

Your writing is private and confidential and only trusted Poligo staff can see it.

Original study content

There are lots of articles, lessons and writing topics to help you learn.


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Learn about a rarely used, odd-looking, formal expression that seems like bad grammar.
A night view of Auckland city
After 12 years away, I am going home on Wednesday.
Poligo was a good idea, but I had no idea how to do. But I knew someone who did!
People ask me a lot why we made Poligo. I thought I should write the story here, and see what you think about the history of Poligo.
You can use 'can' or 'be able to' to talk about ability, but not always. This article explains when to use 'can' and when to use 'be able to'.


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