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Payment currency changed to USD; prices changed. From June 24th. Read more.

Summer sale: 10% off

Summer time!

Get 10% off points with the discount code SUMMER till August 25th

Summer is here! Actually, summer is there. It's mid-winter here in NZ, and I am freezing. I hope you have a lot of fun plans for the Obon holiday.

Points are on sale until the 25th of August. Use the code SUMMER and get 10% off when you buy points. And remember, points never expire, so get some now to take advantage of the discount.

See you soon on Poligo.

  • Matthew's picture
    About me
    I am from New Zealand. I lived in Japan and Brazil for a long time, but now I am back home in Auckland. I am the founder of Poligo. I like to play guitar and video games and surf when I get the chance. I have a wife and two boys.
    I specialize in teaching English to professionals and English teachers. I have taught English since 2001 in Japan, New Zealand and Brazil. I speak Japanese & Portuguese. I am the founder of Poligo and The English Farm (an online school for business English).

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