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| on a Sunday morning, you will read differently than if you are reading a | | on a Sunday morning, you will read differently than if you are reading a |
| question on an exam. If you are reading a business email, you will read | | question on an exam. If you are reading a business email, you will read |
| very differently than if you are reading novel. | | very differently than if you are reading novel. |
| | | |
| When you are reading to write, therefore—for example, when you are learning | | When you are reading to write, therefore—for example, when you are learning |
| how to write an essay for university or better business email—it is | | how to write an essay for university or better business email—it is |
| important to think about your goals in reading. This point is easy to | | important to think about your goals in reading. This point is easy to |
| understand if I tell you what my students usually do. (Hint: it's wrong!) | | understand if I tell you what my students usually do. (Hint: it's wrong!) |
| | | |
| In general, students read like robots, they read the wrong things and they | | In general, students read like robots, they read the wrong things and they |
- | read in their native language /about/ English. | + | read in their /native/ language /about/ English. |
| | | |
| .... Reading robots | | .... Reading robots |
| | | |
- | This /always/ happens in my classes. I'll ask my student to read something | + | This always happens in my classes. I'll ask my student to read something out |
- | out loud (so I can check their pronunciation and reading skills). Almost 95% | + | loud (so I can check their pronunciation and reading skills). Almost 95% of |
- | of the time, they read it once, with bad intonation and pronunciation. They | + | the time, they read it once, with bad intonation and pronunciation. They |
| don't repeat anything. They don't practice a difficult word. They don't stop | | don't repeat anything. They don't practice a difficult word. They don't stop |
| to ask questions. They push on like a mindless robot. That's bad for your | | to ask questions. They push on like a mindless robot. That's bad for your |
- | speaking skills, but it's the topic of another article. The real problem is | + | speaking skills, but it's the topic of another article. The problem is when |
- | when we get to the end. I always ask one, or both, of two kinds of | + | we get to the end. I always ask one (or both) of two kinds of questions: |
- | questions: | | |
| | | |
| 1) "Do you have any questions about the language?"; and/or | | 1) "Do you have any questions about the language?"; and/or |
| 2) "What does it mean here...?" or some other question about the content. | | 2) "What does it mean here...?" or some other question about the content. |
| | | |
| In most cases, my student says to me, "Just a minute" and reads | | In most cases, my student says to me, "Just a minute" and reads |
| the*/ /*/whole thing /again! "Why are you reading that again?" I ask. "You | | the*/ /*/whole thing /again! "Why are you reading that again?" I ask. "You |
| just read it!?" | | just read it!?" |
| | | |
| Students tend to read like reading machines, without thinking about what they | | Students tend to read like reading machines, without thinking about what they |
| are reading. They pass over the words, saying the sounds, without thinking. | | are reading. They pass over the words, saying the sounds, without thinking. |
| | | |
- | You have to read *mindfully*. That means you need to think about two | + | Don't read like a robot. Read *mindfully*. Think about two things *as you |
- | things *as you read*: | + | read*: |
| | | |
| 1) language; and | | 1) language; and |
| 2) meaning. | | 2) meaning. |
| | | |
| I know this is difficult. It's hard to understand and read and think at the | | I know this is difficult. It's hard to understand and read and think at the |
| same time, so *slow down*. I am not in a hurry. Why are you? If you do not, | | same time, so *slow down*. I am not in a hurry. Why are you? If you do not, |
| you are just wasting time, because you'll either learn less or have to read | | you are just wasting time, because you'll either learn less or have to read |
| it again anyway. | | it again anyway. |
| | | |
| .... Wrong reading | | .... Wrong reading |
| | | |
| You have to make sure you are reading the right kinds of things. Reading the | | You have to make sure you are reading the right kinds of things. Reading the |
| right thing is determined by two things: | | right thing is determined by two things: |
| | | |
| 1) level; and | | 1) level; and |
| 2) content. | | 2) content. |
| | | |
- | The level has to be right. If it is too hard, you will give up. When I had | + | Firstly, the level has to be right. If it is too hard, you will give up. When |
- | been learning Japanese for a few months, I tried to read /Norwegian Wood /by | + | I had been learning Japanese for a few months, I tried to read /Norwegian |
- | Haruki Murakami/ /in Japanese. Oh my God, it was hard work! It took me about | + | Wood /by Haruki Murakami/ /in Japanese. Oh my God, it was hard work! It took |
- | an hour to make it through the first page. It was too much work and too much | + | me about an hour to read the first page. It was too much work and too much to |
- | to remember. | + | remember. |
| | | |
- | However, I am not sure that what you read can be too simple. Let me explain. | + | However, I am not sure that what you read can be too simple. |
- | I am learning Portuguese now, and so sometimes I read very simple kid's books | | |
- | to my son. Every time I learn something. I think that even if you go back to | | |
- | your first English lessons, you will remember points you have forgotten. You | | |
- | will pick up things you | | |
| | | |
- | .... Reading /about/ English | + | Let me explain. I am learning Portuguese now, and so sometimes I read very |
| | + | simple kid's books to my son. Every time I learn something. I think that even |
| | + | if you go back to your first English lessons, you will remember points you |
| | + | have forgotten. You will pick up things you missed when you were in junior |
| | + | high school. |
| | | |
- | Whatever you read, make sure it is in English! These seems obvious, but I | + | Besides, simple stuff is much easier and faster to read. In the same amount |
- | think that too many people read about /how/ to learn a language in their | + | of time you can gain much, much more experience from reading lots of simple |
- | native language. If you are Japanese, the sooner you stop reading about | + | stuff, than if you read something more difficult but need to use your |
- | English /in/ Japanese (for example), the sooner your English will improve. | + | dictionary every sentence. |
| | | |
- | You have a class approaching rapidly, and you are required to read a large | + | The second great mistake is in the choice of material. Think about it this |
- | amount of material beforehand – enough that it will not be possible for you | + | way: If I want to learn to speak Japanese, but I only read the /Nikkei/, |
- | to read word for word. We all know from experience that it is fruitless to | + | what is going to be the result? My Japanese is going to sound pretty weird. |
- | simply begin reading at the beginning of the material, and read passively and | + | I'll know some fancy words, but I won't be able to chat with my co-workers |
- | without direction. Time will be eaten up rapidly, and it is likely that | + | very well. I see this a lot. It seems to be a popular thing to read the |
- | when it runs out the reader will still not have met his or her goals. | + | newspaper in English. I am not saying that you shouldn't, but it should be a |
| | + | small part of your reading. |
| | | |
- | Things improve greatly if the reader takes charge of the reading process. | + | If you need to learn to write essays, read essays. If you want to write |
- | Ask yourself: What am I required to do with this reading? What is the | + | business emails, read /lots/ of business emails. If you want to practice |
- | teacher likely to have hoped to achieve when he or she assigned this reading? | + | writing so your speaking skills get better, read novels with lots of |
- | What are my own particular goals with it? For example: Are you required | + | dialogue. Above all, make sure that you read a *variety* of stuff. That |
- | to write a response paper? If so, you will need to isolate the main | + | way, you'll get a richer experience and better input. If you do it enough, |
- | argument and its component parts, and evaluate them. If you are under | + | things just start to /sound/ right. |
- | pressure for time, it will be important that you recognize when you have read | | |
- | enough to do this, and stop! | | |
| | | |
- | Another example: Are you required to generate questions for discussion? If | + | .... Reading /about/ English |
- | so, you will need to be on the lookout for things that puzzle you, or places | | |
- | where you feel you are short on background information, or potential flaws | | |
- | and unargued assumptions in the author’s argument. Again: Were you | | |
- | assigned the text to help you gain background information about some aspect | | |
- | of East Asian society, history or culture? If so, what key points should | | |
- | you understand and retain? | | |
- | In each of these cases, it will be important, once you have fulfilled your | | |
- | goal, to move on immediately to other tasks. | | |
| | | |
- | A second great gain is made when a reader not only reads with purpose and | + | It's good to read /about/ a language (to an extent). But whatever you read, |
- | direction, but reads with a pen or computer keyboard to hand, and starts | + | make sure it is *in* English! |
- | creating something of their own in response to the reading. She thereby | | |
- | immediately begin to fulfill her reading goal. The end-product of this | | |
- | process can be as simple as a sketch of the author’s argument scribbled on | | |
- | a scrap of paper, or as involved as several pages of notes. Regardless of | | |
- | scope, which will vary with one’s goals, taking some kind of notes will | | |
- | almost certainly expedite progress towards your final aim. | | |
| | | |
- | Right from the Sophomore Tutorial, EAS students will encounter this pressure | + | Too many people read about /how/ to learn a language /in their native |
- | to read efficiently very quickly, when they crack open their course packs and | + | language/. When I lived in Japan, I was amazed by the amount of content |
- | sit down to write the weekly response papers. Frankly, EAS Tutorial | + | produced about /how/ to learn English *in Japanese*. I'd see my students |
- | courses are heavy, with bulky and demanding readings. Right from the | + | reading magazine articles and books about grammar and vocabulary and study |
- | beginning, then, it will be important that you direct your reading and | + | technique. They were always pages and pages of Japanese explanations with a |
- | note-taking towards the various goals the material is supposed to serve. | + | few sentences in English, sprinkled around like salt and pepper. There are |
| | + | two negative sides to reading too much in Japanese about English: |
| | | |
- | Again, as with writing, there are resources available at Harvard to help the | + | 1) You over-think it—all that analysis makes people feel that language is |
- | community develop more effective reading habits and strategies, and you | + | more complicated and difficult than it really is; and |
- | should avail yourself of them. Particularly well known in this regard is | + | 2) You waste time! Imagine how much better your English would be if you |
- | the Bureau of Study Council’s “Harvard Course in Reading and Study | + | spent the same amount of time reading in English! |
- | Strategies”; you can find out more about it from the BSC or by visiting | + | If you are Japanese, the sooner you stop reading about English /in/ Japanese |
- | http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~bsc/rc.html. See also the Appendix for a list | + | (for example), the sooner your English will improve. |
- | of other such resources at Harvard. | | |
| | | |
| .... Why read? | | .... Why read? |
| | | |
- | The bottom line is input is important. When you read, make notes. | + | Why do you read in your native language? To learn about things and for fun. |
| | + | In English, you should be reading for fun and to learn about things that |
| | + | interest you too, but there is one more benefit: input. The more input you |
| | + | get, the faster you will learn and remember language. |
| | + | I read once that a native speaker has to hear or read a word an average of |
| | + | *50 times* before they will use it. That's totally passive learning. If you |
| | + | want to learn passively, then it'll take a long time and you will need |
| | + | thousands of hours of input. If you don't have thousands of hours, you |
| | + | should make the most of your reading. |
| | + | When you read, *take notes*. Write down interesting words and phrases in a |
| | + | notebook to use yourself or ask your teacher about. You'll learn new language |
| | + | faster if you use it and talk about it. Review those notes later and your |
| | + | chances of remembering new words and phrases will be even higher. |
| | + | .... Rules for reading |
| | + | Finally, here are some reading rules for you to think about every time you |
| | + | read: |
| | + | 1) read *in English*; |
| | + | 2) read *mindfully*; |
| | + | 3) take *notes*; and |
| | + | 4) choose the right *level* and *content*. |
| | | |
| | | |
| [1] https://poligo.com/articles/writing/what-good-writing-english | | [1] https://poligo.com/articles/writing/what-good-writing-english |