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Man facing away in t-shirt that says "BELIEVE" on the back

Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational.

Treasure chest open with gold light shining out

What is your most important possession? Describe it and why it is worth everything to you.

Group of children sitting on the edge of a pool by a beach splashing with their feet

What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it in detail. Say what happened, and try to say how you felt then and how you feel now looking back.

three older White women at a table with tea

Describe this picture in as much detail as you can. What is happening? How do the people feel? What will happen next?

Young children at birthday party, Asian

Imagine you went to a kid's party. What happened? Try writing about it. Use the picture for inspiration. What do you see?

Map of the world with pushpins and string marking different locations

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? What would you do there? Why there and not some other place?

Use the basic structure of a strong argument in your answer. (See Examples and hints.)

Small stone house with sheep in front, in the woods by a stream, green

What do you see in this picture?  Use your imagination and create something interesting! You could even write a short story.

Man playing bagpipes on crowded sidewalk

Describe this picture. What's happening? Give as much detail as you can.


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