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Crowded beach in Amalfi, Italy

Think about a trip you went on (good or bad). Describe the trip. Write about what you would do differently if you went to that place again. Explain why you would do things differently and how that would change your experience of the place.

Be sure to use vivid language and anecdotes in your answer. (See Examples and hints.) 

Small town street with cable bus

Where are you from? Was it a good place to grow up? Tell us as much as you can about the place and the people and your childhood. What did you used to do? What did you like—and not like—about it?

Young White man doing a skateboard trick on public building.

Imagine you see this scene one day. You want to tell your friend the story of the amazing skater you saw. Describe the picture in as much detail as you can. What is happening? Where is this? How is the weather? What is the person wearing? What might he be thinking? Be as imaginative and creative as you can! Remember to write like it like you are telling your friend.

You can start like this:

I saw an amazing skater today when I was...

race cars on track, red one in the lead

Imagine you are the driver of the red car and you have won the race. Describe your emotions. How do you feel? How did you prepare for this moment? What is next in your life? Use your imagination.

Old man standing in door of junk shop

Describe the most important thing you possess. Describe what it is and explain why it is important.

People in an art gallery, one young woman sitting on the floor in front of a painting while others walk past

Who is your favourite artist? Describe his or her work and why you like it. What makes this artist's work more impressive than the work of other artists?

Crying baby

Did you have a bad day recently? What happened? Imagine you are telling your friend about it.

Small white hedgehog

What's your favourite animal? Why do you like it so much? Describe the creature.


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