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QuestionWhat makes you unique?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

young women with head down on laptop

Question: How do you handle failure?

Interviewers want to know how you handle the failures that are bound to happen. They also want to see your attitude toward failure. It is easier to talk about successes, but you must be able to talk about your failures, too.

Write your answer as though you are actually in an interview.

woman man desk business light diversity

Question: Tell me something about yourself.

This is a common question in a job interview. It is often the first question asked. You need to make a good first impression. Write the answer you would give to the interviewer.

man with briefcase sitting by woman in business suit

What value do you bring to your company and your clients?

woman smiling with whiteboard behind her

What would be the advantages or benefits for your company if you were promoted?

hands holding words yes no in palms

What is the best decision you've made in your personal life?

small urban park at night

If you could change one thing in your neighborhood, what would it be?


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