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Men playing outdoor chess

Do you think mental games like chess are good for you? Why or why not? Can you think of other ways to train your brain?

A row of identical doors in a wall

Have you ever been in a dilemma? How did you solve it?

Give specific details, and use more than one reason to support your answer.

Man giving money to a beggar on the street

Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society?

Woman teaching class of adults

For centuries, people have followed the Latin proverb, Docendo discimus—"By teaching, we learn." 

Write a few sentences about what the proverb means, and perhaps a time when you have experienced it in your own life.

Cellphone with dictionary entry for "design"

Some large companies are making the switch to English as the official in-house language. What do you think about it? What are the pitfalls of such a move? What is to be gained? Would you like for your company to have such a policy?

Train track junction where one branch splits off from another

Describe a moment when your life changed forever. What happened? How is your life different now? What did you think and feel? Do you wish you could go back to your life before it happened?

Two White male students at table in library

Some parents tell their children which school he or she should enter and what to learn there. Others say to their kids that they should study what they are interested in and make their own choices. Which kind of education is effective? Explain your reasons.


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