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birds-eye view of crowded city square


Agree or disagree: Global overpopulation is a serious threat to the future of humankind.

Task instructions

  • Write an essay on the given topic.
  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200–240 words.

Try to use the words "cognizant" and "mitigate" in your answer.

simple map, East Asia, color


Agree or disagree: Improving relations with other Asian nations should be a priority for the Japanese government.

Task instructions

  • Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200–240 words.

Use the phrase, "it is vitally important that", in your answer.

Olympics ad, Coca-Cola, stylized figure skater, white on red


Agree or disagree: The Olympics have become too commercialized. 

Task instructions

  • Write an essay on the given topic.
  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200–240 words.

Use the phrase, "those who object to ... often argue that ...", in your answer.

Word cloud of UN article about global protests

Above is a Wordle™ * of a news article. Summarize the article by interpreting the words and frequencies shown.

*A Wordle™ takes all the words in a text and arranges them randomly. The size of the word shows the frequency with which it appears—larger words appear more often.

Stone bridge over water at night with lights, blue, yellow

TOEIC Writing Part One

QUESTIONS 1–5: Write a sentence based on a picture

DIRECTIONS: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.

WORDS: night/bridge

Édouard Monet, The Monet Family in their Garden at Argenteuil, 1874

What is happening in this painting? Imagine you are one of the people in the painting. What are you doing? How do you feel? What can you hear and smell? You can even write a short story as though you are in the painting—be creative!

Open-faced sandwich

Write one sentence about this picture, using the words "bread" and "toppings".

Person working in field, Aomori, Japan

Take a look at this picture. What do you feel when you look at it? Does it bring up memories of a place you visited? Maybe you think about a person. Write about that. 

three older White women at a table with tea

Describe this picture in as much detail as you can. What is happening? How do the people feel? What will happen next?

Young White man doing a skateboard trick on public building.

Imagine you see this scene one day. You want to tell your friend the story of the amazing skater you saw. Describe the picture in as much detail as you can. What is happening? Where is this? How is the weather? What is the person wearing? What might he be thinking? Be as imaginative and creative as you can! Remember to write like it like you are telling your friend.

You can start like this:

I saw an amazing skater today when I was...


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