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Display of As Seen on TV items

TopicDo you think that TV commercials have any influence over consumers' decisions?


  • Memorable
  • Bargains
  • Attention
  • Irrelevant

Task Instructions

  • Choose two of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Try to use the words "persuade" and "advertisement" in your answer.

Ethiopian farmer with oxen

Do you think that rich countries should do more to help poor countries develop?


  • Inequality
  • Economic Growth
  • Domestic Issue
  • Doing Enough

Task Instructions

  • Use two of the above points to support your idea.
  • 120-150 words.
  • Clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Use the phrase "developing country" in your answer.

Young woman student helping older man

Agree or disagree: Volunteer work should be mandatory for students.


  • Private Time
  • Community Building
  • Self-Improvement
  • Education

Task Instructions

  • Choose two of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Use the phrase, "For instance," to add a piece of evidence to support your argument.

Traditional Buddhist wedding in Japan

TOPIC: Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past?

  • Write an essay on the given topic.
  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200–240 words.

Try to use the words "institution" and "incentive" in your answer.

monochrome mobile phone screen with architecture also seen behind it

Write a product description for a new mobile phone. The ad will appear on online tech review sites. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, create a name for the phone and decide on its features.

Then, write a sales pitch describing the phone. Use these words in your description:

  • hottest
  • never seen before
  • phenomenal
Tourists inside a cave

Write an ad for a travel tour. The ad will appear in the National Geographic magazine and online site. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, decide where you will visit and what you will do there, how you will travel, how long the tour lasts, etc.

Then, write a sales pitch describing the tour. Use these words in your description:

  • life-changing
  • dazzling
  • leading authority
FOR SALE sign in front of corner of house with garden

Write a real estate description for a house that's for sale. The description will appear on several real estate websites. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, decide on the type of house and the kind of neighborhood it's in.

Then, write a sales pitch describing it. Use these words in your description:

  • enchanting
  • hurry
  • privacy
Dirty kitchen windows over a sink

Write a product description for a window-washing service. The ad will appear in the local newspaper and online. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, create a name for the service.

Then, write a sales pitch describing the service. Use these words in your description:

  • ashamed
  • miracle
  • professional
head of a vacuum cleaner on blue rug

Write a product description for a new vacuum cleaner. The description will appear in both print and on-line catalogues for an appliance store. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, create a name for the vacuum cleaner.

Then, write a sales pitch describing it. Use these words in your description:

  • effortless
  • tested
  • toxic
Athletic shoe dissolving into paint splatters

Write a product description for new athletic shoes. The ad will appear on an online shopping site that sells sports equipment. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, create a name for the shoes.

Then, write a sales pitch describing the shoes. Use these words in your description:

  • state-of-the-art
  • turbo-charged
  • unbelievable


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