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Older woman holding young girl who's standing on a low wall

Who do you most admire? It can be someone famous or someone you know. Describe that person and why you think so highly of them.

Flags of different nations flying in a deep blue sky

What makes you most proud about your country? What is the greatest thing about the people and the place that you call home? Describe it in detail and say why you feel that way.

Woman holding protest sign at rally

What aspect of your country's politics worries you the most? Explain the issue and why it is problematic. Also outline a proposal to deal with the issue.

Silhouettes of people playing beach volleyball at sunset

Think about your favourite sport. What aspect of that sport do you most like? What is the thing about that sport that makes it different from all the others?

Two-person kayaking in the Maldives

What sports do you like to play? What sports do you most like to watch? Why?

Woman graduate in cap and gown being kissed by her mother

College degrees have never been more important.

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Person with tablet reader

These days, you can find out anything you want to on the Internet. What's more, you can take free courses online from the world's best universities. Nobody needs to go to college any more. 

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Explain your position and give reasons. 

Man at table with computer tablet and cup of coffee

Now that people have tablets and smartphones, they don't need laptops or desktop computers anymore.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?


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