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Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in garden

What was the most important historical event in your country? Describe what happened and why it is so important.

Two young girls swimming and splashing

If you had the time and the money, what would be your dream vacation? You can go anywhere and do anything!

Woman graduate in cap and gown being kissed by her mother

College degrees have never been more important.

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Person with tablet reader

These days, you can find out anything you want to on the Internet. What's more, you can take free courses online from the world's best universities. Nobody needs to go to college any more. 

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Explain your position and give reasons. 

Man at table with computer tablet and cup of coffee

Now that people have tablets and smartphones, they don't need laptops or desktop computers anymore.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Arrows on signpost, intuition, analysis

To make a decision, do you follow your feelings and go by intuition, or do you try to collect as much information as you can and decide once you have made a complete analysis of the facts?

Old "Linguaphone" language course

Learning a foreign language is more important now than it was in the past. Discuss.

Person lying on a couch with a book in front of their face

Do you like living alone or do you prefer to live with family, friends or roommates? How come? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each case?

Young women watching a movie in a theater, Caucasian

Some people like to go to the movies. Some people like to stay home and watch a movie on TV. Which do you prefer and why?

Daily planner open with pen on top

Are you a careful planner? Or do you like to do things at the last minute? Why do you prefer doing things that way?


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