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Pile of food waste


Agree or disagree: The Japanese government should do more to reduce food waste.


  • Food companies
  • Consumers
  • Expiration dates
  • Costs

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
woman behind counter in Japanese convenience store

QUESTION: Do you think convenience stores are a good place to buy food?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.

Try to use the words "taste" and "prepare" in your answer.

Man spooning food from a jar

QUESTION: Do you like eating at home?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → Why not?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
Ramen burger with carrot sticks and fries

QUESTIONWhich do you like better: Japanese food, or Western food?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
mug with liquid and cinnamon sticks on dark background

QUESTIONWhich do you drink more often: tea, or coffee?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
Japanese mother and daughter eating dinner at home

QUESTIONWhat are you going to eat tonight?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

Try to use the words "plan" and "maybe" in your answer.

Japanese man in small restaurant

QUESTION: Do you like to eat out?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

Try to use the words "although" and "tasty" in your answer. 

doctor holding plate of vegetables with measuring tape and phone that says WEIGHT LOSS DIET

There are a lot of different diet plans to lose weight. Which do you think works the best? Why?


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