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Daily life

money coins girl hands close-up

Your uncle gave you $50 (€40) for your birthday. Write an email thanking him for the gift.

White woman, laptop, work, pajamas, window, typing, computer, technology, people, girl

You were just matched up with a pen-pal who lives in another country. Write an email introducing yourself and telling them a little bit about your country.

two champagne glasses touching, gold bokeh background

Hello, Cyril! I hope you'll be able to join us for Estelle's retirement party on September 30. We're meeting at the Elks Lodge for dinner at 7:00 PM. The menu selections are grilled chicken, steak, salmon with lemon butter, or vegetarian lasagna (made with almond cheese for vegans). Please let us know if you're planning to attend, how many people you're bringing, and your meal selection(s).

RSVP by September 23 so we can let the caterers know how many meals to prepare.


(Respond to the email as if you are Cyril. In your email, make two requests and explain one problem.)

three young boys splashing each other in a stream

Tell the story you see in the picture. Who are they? Where are they? What's happening?

Are they friends? Siblings? What are their names? How old are they? What else can you think of to tell about them? Get creative!

Clothes hanging in closet

What is the most important piece of clothing in your closet and why? Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

Men playing outdoor chess

Do you think mental games like chess are good for you? Why or why not? Can you think of other ways to train your brain?

Meat and vegetables on a plate

A vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat. Do you agree?

Give both sides of the argument in your answer, then state your own conclusion.

Pillow on deck chair with word RELAX, monotone cyan

What is your favorite way to relax? Describe it as vividly as you can so the reader feels how relaxing it is.

Breakfast laid out on a table

QUESTION 3: Describe a picture

DIRECTIONS: Describe the picture in as much detail as you can.

Person working in field, Aomori, Japan

Take a look at this picture. What do you feel when you look at it? Does it bring up memories of a place you visited? Maybe you think about a person. Write about that. 


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