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Cellphone with dictionary entry for "design"

Some large companies are making the switch to English as the official in-house language. What do you think about it? What are the pitfalls of such a move? What is to be gained? Would you like for your company to have such a policy?

people at long table in restaurant

Write about some good restaurants near your office or your home. Imagine you are telling someone who asks about a place to eat.

Do you know any good restaurants near here?

Fireworks in front of the Emirates Palace Hotel, UAE

Talk about the different national holidays in your country. Which is your favourite? Why? What happens on that day?

What are the traditional crafts in your country? Which is your favourite and why? Did you ever think about learning one?

Man's wrists in handcuffs

Why do you think people commit crime? What makes a person commit a crime? How many different reasons can you think of? What should be done to reduce crime?

Man doing the breaststroke in a swimming pool

Why do we play sports? What are the reasons for or against sports on an individual or social level? Do we need sports?

Young woman looking out a window through venetian blinds

Some people who have lived in another country have trouble when they come home. What kind of problems do these people have and why? Could these troubles be beneficial to the individual or their society?

Diverse young women and one older woman in French train station with luggage

Have you ever lived abroad to study or work for a long time? Think about these things when writing your answer:

  • Did the experience change you in any way? How?
  • Did your thoughts or feelings about your country change? How?
  • What did you miss about home?
  • Did you realise that there are some things about your home country that could be done better or differently?


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