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man in bookshop with ladders

QUESTION: Which do you think is better for people: borrowing books from libraries, or buying books at stores?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.
Section of an Japanese handscroll mounted on a hanging scroll, ink, white and slight color on paper, c.1200

QUESTION: Do you think it is important to learn ancient literature such as Kobun and Kanbun?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.

Use the phrase, "In my opinion," to begin your answer.

Exterior of used bookstore with two people walking by

QUESTION: Do you think it is bad to buy used products such as books and CDs?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.

Try to use the words "latest" and "quality" in your answer.

Open book on top of open laptop

Some people say that the internet and TV will make books obsolete in the future. Do you agree? If it comes true, will it be a good or a bad thing? Explain your reasoning.

Older man reading a book with stacks of books in the background

Tell us about your favourite book. What's so great about it? What is it about? Summarize the story and talk about the characters. Does it have a special message? What is it?

Young Asian woman sitting on a bed reading a book with mug of coffee

QUESTION 3: Describe a picture

DIRECTIONS: Describe the picture in as much detail as you can.

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