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monochrome mobile phone screen with architecture also seen behind it

Write a product description for a new mobile phone. The ad will appear on online tech review sites. You are limited to 50–75 words.

First, create a name for the phone and decide on its features.

Then, write a sales pitch describing the phone. Use these words in your description:

  • hottest
  • never seen before
  • phenomenal
Wind turbines in a field

Below is a pie chart of the sources of electricity generation in California, USA, in 2018. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Man at table with computer tablet and cup of coffee

Now that people have tablets and smartphones, they don't need laptops or desktop computers anymore.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Nuclear power plant

Agree or disagree: The use of nuclear power should be expanded.

Write an essay of three or more paragraphs (around 200 words) on the given topic covering three of these points:

  • demand for electricity;
  • disposal of nuclear waste;
  • global warming;
  • price of oil;
  • renewable energy; and
  • safety.


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