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Personal History

woman and man waiting on train track with backpacks

What's the best trip you've ever been on? What would you do differently if you went again?

singer silhouette colorful background staff paper with notes

What is the most memorable music you've heard in your life? Describe it.

orange striped cat sitting upright on table in kitchen

QUESTION: Do you have pets in your home?

  • If YES → Please say more about them.
  • If NO → What kind of pet would you like to have?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
man in bed clutching two pillows to his head

QUESTIONAre you a morning person or a night person?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

Try to use the words "hour" and "sleep" in your answer.

One man helping another on a computer

Describe a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.

Be sure to include:

  1. a description of the project;
  2. what you were expected to do;
  3. what you did beyond the expectations; and
  4. how your actions contributed to the success of the project.
calculator and pen on top of account ledger

What did your parents teach you about money? How did they do it? Do you agree now with what they taught you? 

What will you teach (or have you taught) your children about money? How?


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