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Young woman reading surrounded by books

QUESTIONDo you like reading books?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

Use the phrase "am (am notinterested in" in your answer. [You can use the phrase positively or negatively, and change the tense of the verb, if needed.]

People in colorful suits skiing in the mountains

QUESTIONDo you ski in the winter?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

Try to use the words "snowy" and "outdoor" in your answer.

Men playing outdoor chess

Do you think mental games like chess are good for you? Why or why not? Can you think of other ways to train your brain?

Pillow on deck chair with word RELAX, monotone cyan

What is your favorite way to relax? Describe it as vividly as you can so the reader feels how relaxing it is.

People eating on a terrace in front of a restauran

Where is your favourite place to eat out? Say why you like it and what you have when you go there. Describe the food and the atmosphere.

Young White man doing a skateboard trick on public building.

Imagine you see this scene one day. You want to tell your friend the story of the amazing skater you saw. Describe the picture in as much detail as you can. What is happening? Where is this? How is the weather? What is the person wearing? What might he be thinking? Be as imaginative and creative as you can! Remember to write like it like you are telling your friend.

You can start like this:

I saw an amazing skater today when I was...

Silhouettes of people playing beach volleyball at sunset

Think about your favourite sport. What aspect of that sport do you most like? What is the thing about that sport that makes it different from all the others?

Two young girls swimming and splashing

If you had the time and the money, what would be your dream vacation? You can go anywhere and do anything!


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