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World times shown on 4 clocks on a wall

Would you like to live abroad in the future to work or study? Where would you choose to go and why?

Overhead view of students at work in a large university library

What do you think of the university system in your country? Do people study hard enough? Do universities produce good graduates that contribute to your society? Do you have any criticisms of the system? What are the strengths of the system?

Young woman wearing graduation gown and mortar board

What did you study at university/college? Why did you choose to study that? Do you think it was the right decision? Why or why not?

Use some testimony in your answer. (See Examples and hints.)

High school classroom with teacher at blackboard and student raising his hand

Write about your high school. What kind of school was it? What kind of educational standards did it have?

Two White male students at table in library

Some parents tell their children which school he or she should enter and what to learn there. Others say to their kids that they should study what they are interested in and make their own choices. Which kind of education is effective? Explain your reasons.

Woman graduate in cap and gown being kissed by her mother

College degrees have never been more important.

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Person with tablet reader

These days, you can find out anything you want to on the Internet. What's more, you can take free courses online from the world's best universities. Nobody needs to go to college any more. 

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Explain your position and give reasons. 

Two White teenage girls studying at a table in a library

Some people prefer to work or study alone while others prefer being in groups. Which do you prefer and why?

Do you learn more from someone telling you about it or doing it yourself? Would you rather have a lecture-based course or a lab-based course? Does it matter what you are learning? Give details.


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