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Homeless man holding sign "Seeking human kindness"

Do you think people are naturally selfish or altruistic? Why? Use evidence to support your position. Don't forget to think about the counterargument. Make sure you refute it.

small town street downtown

What should people visiting your hometown see or experience? What does your hometown have to offer? What is it famous for? Make some recommendations or suggestions to people traveling there.

Two White male students at table in library

Some parents tell their children which school he or she should enter and what to learn there. Others say to their kids that they should study what they are interested in and make their own choices. Which kind of education is effective? Explain your reasons.

Young woman in business clothes on couch with head in hands

Describe a difficult challenge you have had in your career and how you overcame it.

People in an art gallery, one young woman sitting on the floor in front of a painting while others walk past

Who is your favourite artist? Describe his or her work and why you like it. What makes this artist's work more impressive than the work of other artists?

Older woman holding young girl who's standing on a low wall

Who do you most admire? It can be someone famous or someone you know. Describe that person and why you think so highly of them.

Torn flag artwork

What is the most serious issue facing your country today? What should be done to resolve this issue?

Statue of King Kamehameha in Hawaii

Who is a national hero in your country? What did this person do? Tell the story of the person's deeds and life.

Woman holding protest sign at rally

What aspect of your country's politics worries you the most? Explain the issue and why it is problematic. Also outline a proposal to deal with the issue.


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