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Fantasy representation of time portal

If you could travel to any time in history, what time period would you choose and why? 

Blue and white plates broken on a cement floor

Explain a failure you have experienced. What happened and what did you learn from it?

Old man standing in door of junk shop

Describe the most important thing you possess. Describe what it is and explain why it is important.

Young woman in business clothes on couch with head in hands

Describe a difficult challenge you have had in your career and how you overcame it.

young girl crying, red hair, freckles

Describe a difficult problem you have had in your life and how you overcame it.

People in an art gallery, one young woman sitting on the floor in front of a painting while others walk past

Who is your favourite artist? Describe his or her work and why you like it. What makes this artist's work more impressive than the work of other artists?

A path in autumn woods

What is your favourite season? Why do you like it? Why is it better than the others?

Crying baby

Did you have a bad day recently? What happened? Imagine you are telling your friend about it.

Yellow square with angry face leaning against a brick wall

Who makes you really furious or angry? Why do you not get along with this person? What do they do that get on your nerves? Get it all off your chest!

Small white hedgehog

What's your favourite animal? Why do you like it so much? Describe the creature.


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