ホーム / 記事 / ライティング / 英文メールの出だし、正しく使えていますか?


A picture of a boy saluting
A boy saluting, because this is an article about salutations. Michael Sale via Flickr

例えば、Dear (人の名前)…ではじめるなど、英文のはじまりの形式を英語で"salutation" または "greeting" といいます。その英文メールが重要な場合、時と場合にふさわしい出だしを使いたいものですね。

もちろん、Dear (人の名前)…はフォーマルにもカジュアルにも両方使える便利な出だしの英文スタイルですが、様々なバリエーションがあることも知っておくと便利です。

When you write "Dear..." at the start of an email, it is called a "salutation" or a "greeting". Choosing the right salutation for your email is very important.

It is most common to open formal and casual emails with "Dear...". However, in formal and casual emails, openings can be very different.

Formal Emails

With a formal email, you should use a title (ex. "Mr." or "Ms.") and only the person's family name:

Dear Mr. Smith,

Do not use the person's full name (ex. "Dear Mr. Peter Smith"). Furthermore, in business, it is generally best to avoid "Miss" or "Mrs". If the person is a doctor or professor, use "Dr." or "Prof.". Professional or academic titles should be used instead of "Mr." or "Miss".

If you do not know the person's name, then try to find out. If you cannot find out the person's name, it is possible to use the person's job title:

Dear Sales Manager,

You can also say:

Dear Sir or Madam,

You can also use "To" in this case:

To the Sales Manager,

However, it is better not to use these openings, because they can reduce the chance of your message being successful. It is not personal or professional. It seems like you sent the same letter to 50 companies. In business, also try not to use "To whom it may concern". This is only used for messages or letters when we do not know who will be reading them.

Casual and Neutral Emails

If you know the person well, or you have done business with them before, you can use "Dear" with their first name:

Dear Jane, 

You can also use "Hi" or "Hello" instead of "Dear" if you want to.


In both casual and formal messages, always use a comma after the salutation, and then a capital letter at the start of the next line as follows:

Dear Mr. Daultry,
We are pleased to inform you that...

Do you know any other good greetings to open an email?

  • ユーザー Matthew の写真
    About me
    I am from New Zealand. I lived in Japan and Brazil for a long time, but now I am back home in Auckland. I am the founder of Poligo. I like to play guitar and video games and surf when I get the chance. I have a wife and two boys.
    I specialize in teaching English to professionals and English teachers. I have taught English since 2001 in Japan, New Zealand and Brazil. I speak Japanese & Portuguese. I am the founder of Poligo and The English Farm (an online school for business English).


塾講師、学校教師など英語のプロたちから絶大な信頼をうけるネイティブの英語講師陣による、英語校閲&解説サービス。あなたの理解度・満足度が100%になるまでおつきあい! 入会金/会費無・利用時払い可能・1文字2円から・退会自由・プライバシー厳守。英語力UP効果抜群のブログも展開中です。通常12時間以内、最長24時間以内の返信をお約束します。あなたの英語の文章がより洗練され、効率よく勉強できます。

  • 入会金無料
  • プライバシー厳守
  • 利用時払いも可能
