ホーム / 記事 / ライティング / 英語でメールを作成するときに気をつけたいこと


主に3タイプのメールがあります。フォーマル、 カジュアル、そして中立型。どんなシーンでどのタイプのメールが適切? 便利なフレーズとともに、シーンごとによる使い分けをおぼえましょう。

メールを書くとき、カジュアルとフォーマルのバランスの取り方に気をつけなければいけません。例えば、カジュアルすぎると馴れ馴れしく、仕事のやりとりとしてふさわしくなくなってしまったり、かしこまりすぎて、よそよそしく、冷淡な態度になってしまったり… 主に3つに分けられるライティング・スタイルを見て、シーンごとにバランスをとりながらコミュニケーションをとりたいですね。

Three styles

There are three styles you can choose from when writing email: formal; neutral; and casual.

Formal Neutral Casual
Not common. Common at work. Common between friends.
Polite, careful language.
Fixed expressions.
Formal words (usually from Latin).
Clear and direct language.
Short sentences.
Casual language like speech.
Uses slang.
Complaints, requests, proposals etc.
Messages to strangers.
Messages between colleagues and clients. Messages between friends & family.
For very close colleagues.
Correct grammar & spelling very important.
Mistakes can be a big problem.
Some informal grammar is OK.
Can use contractions like "don't" or "I'm".
Spelling & grammar should still be correct.
Some spelling & grammar mistakes are OK.

In your day-to-day life, you will find that most of the time you write neutral or casual emails. Formal emails are much rarer.

With casual emails, you can make a few mistakes. However, in a business setting, your grammar, spelling and punctuation should always be correct. Mistakes in grammar and spelling are unprofessional. You can use a neutral style in business. It can help you develop a closer relationship with clients and colleagues. Your language can be more personal, and you don't have to worry too much about formal expressions. Everyone is busy, so people appreciate a short and clear message.

Useful phrases

Here is a table of casual and formal email phrases for you to use. When you are using a neutral tone, it is a good idea to use a few formal phrases too, so that you are polite and friendly. 

Casual Formal
What do you need? Please let us know your requirements.
Thanks for your email on the 17th. Thank you for your email of the 17th.
Sorry, I can't make it. I am afraid that I will not be able to attend.
I'm sorry to tell you that... It is with regret that we advise you that...
I promise... I can assure you that...
Could you...? I was wondering if you would be able to...
You haven't... We note that you have not...
Don't forget... We would like to remind you that...
I need to... It is necessary for me to...
Shall I...?: Would you life me to...?
But... However, ... /Nevertheless, ...
Also... In addition... /Furthermore, ...
So... Therefore, .../Consequently, ...
Could you please...? I would be grateful if you could...
Sorry for... Please accept our sincerest apologies for...
Re... With regard to... /With reference to...
See you next week. I look forward to meeting with you next week.
  • ユーザー Matthew の写真
    About me
    I am from New Zealand. I lived in Japan and Brazil for a long time, but now I am back home in Auckland. I am the founder of Poligo. I like to play guitar and video games and surf when I get the chance. I have a wife and two boys.
    I specialize in teaching English to professionals and English teachers. I have taught English since 2001 in Japan, New Zealand and Brazil. I speak Japanese & Portuguese. I am the founder of Poligo and The English Farm (an online school for business English).


塾講師、学校教師など英語のプロたちから絶大な信頼をうけるネイティブの英語講師陣による、英語校閲&解説サービス。あなたの理解度・満足度が100%になるまでおつきあい! 入会金/会費無・利用時払い可能・1文字2円から・退会自由・プライバシー厳守。英語力UP効果抜群のブログも展開中です。通常12時間以内、最長24時間以内の返信をお約束します。あなたの英語の文章がより洗練され、効率よく勉強できます。

  • 入会金無料
  • プライバシー厳守
  • 利用時払いも可能
