ホーム / Homework Tags / My country
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む

My country

digital matrix illustration of hammer and gavel

What new laws do you want your country to adopt? Why do you think they are important?

white touchtone desk phone

Do many people rely on older technologies in your country? If so, why do you think that is?

woman working on laptop with headphones on by window

Topic: Nowadays, more and more people are at home and teleworking. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?


  • Communication
  • Infectious disease
  • Internet technology

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
young people drinking in a club

TopicToday in Japan, some people say that the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. Do you think this is a good idea?


  • Business
  • Legal age
  • Health

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Businessmen in Japan


Agree or disagree: Some people say that people in Japan spend too much time at work. Do you agree with this opinion?


  • Family
  • Salary
  • Work-life balance

Task Instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Use the phrase, "On the whole", in your answer.

Germamy's Annabel Breuer (left) and Johanna Welin (No. 5) at the Germany vs Japan women's wheelchair basketball team at the Sports Centre.


Agree or disagree: Many foreign athletes are now coming and playing for Japan. Do you think such a trend will continue in the future?


  • Economy
  • Culture
  • Opportunity

Task Instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Try to use the words "choice" and "instead" in your answer.

Japanese Red Cross Nagoya Daini hospital, Aichi prefecture, Japan

Agree or disagree: Some people say that more hospitals are required in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?


  • Cost
  • Infectious disease
  • Population

Task Instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
White woman, laptop, work, pajamas, window, typing, computer, technology, people, girl

You were just matched up with a pen-pal who lives in another country. Write an email introducing yourself and telling them a little bit about your country.

Paper star hanging in front of blurred strings of lights

Which is your favorite holiday in your country?

Use lots of vivid details and reasoning in your answer. (See Examples and hints.)


My country を購読