ホーム / Writing Ideas / Email complaint: Broken computer

Email complaint: Broken computer

Woman screaming at laptop
phduet via Freepik

TO: Ajax Computer Corp.
FROM: Katya Karnov
SUBJECT: Broken computer

I am writing to request a replacement for a computer I bought a year ago that has already stopped working. I took it to the repair shop and they said it was a problem with the motherboard and would cost so much to fix, I might as well get a new computer. I've lost the original receipt but I did buy the extended warranty plan so I should be able to get it replaced. Please let me know how to exchange this one for a new one that works.


[You are a customer service representative at Ajax Computer Corp. Decide whether or not you will exchange Katya's computer for a new one, then write her an email explaining your choice. Give two reasons, and instructions about what to do next.]


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  • 入会金無料
  • プライバシー厳守
  • 利用時払いも可能
