ホーム / Sunburn / 添削一覧 / リビジョンを比較 / Sunburn のリビジョン

Sunburn のリビジョン

火, 2015/08/04 - 17:21 - Rio火, 2015/08/04 - 17:21 - Rio
Revision of 火, 2015/08/04 - 17:21:

My family and I went to the beach on an island in the neighboring city last Sunday. I also enjoyed canoeing with my kids, which was rented there, under the scorching sun. It was a day when the sunlight was very strong. Even though we had put on a lot of sunscreen beforehand, it turned out that we got pretty sunburned. A few days have passed since then, and my skin still hurts today. It would have been more terrible if we neglected wearing sunscreen!


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