ホーム / Homework Tags / Imagination
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む


Hollywood sign

QuestionIf Hollywood made a movie about your life, what actor would play you?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

Lionel Messi on field

QuestionIf you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, who would you choose?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

bent paperclips on notepaper

Question: List 10 things you could do with a paper clip besides clip papers together.

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

head of monkey looking at itself in a mirror

QuestionIf you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

two men suspended on large modern building to wash windows

Question: How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Paris?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

close-up of tennis balls

QuestionHow many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.

green exit sign with human stick figure going out through door

QuestionDesign an evacuation plan for this building.

This is a typical job interview question. Write your answer as though you are in an actual interview.


Imagination を購読