ホーム / Homework Tags / Health
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む


Japanese doctor holding small vial in front of blurred face

Topic: Is enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan?


  • School
  • Number
  • Robots
  • Cost

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Use the phrase "a handful of" in your answer.

Older man and woman walking away in park

TopicPeople around the world live longer than they did in the past. Do you think people will live even longer lives in the future?


  • Changing lifestyles
  • Developing countries
  • Technology

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
woman in hospital bed

Topic: Some people say that more hospitals need to be built in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?


  • Cost
  • Infectious disease
  • Population

Task instructions

  • Choose TWO of the above points to support your idea.
  • Write approximately 120–150 words.
  • Use a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion).
  • Spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Young woman jogging with headphones on, red

QUESTION: Do you think it is a good idea to exercise while listening to music?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.
older couple at salad bar, diversity

QUESTION: Do you think more people will be careful about their health in the future?

Task instructions

  • Write your answer to the question.
  • Give TWO reasons for your opinion.
  • Write approximately 50–60 words.

Try to use the words "improve" and "long" in your answer.

Hand sanitizer, mask ,latex gloves

TOPIC: Will infectious diseases become a greater threat to humanity in the future?

  • Write an essay on the given topic.
  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200–240 words.

Try to use the words "repercussion" and "curtail" in your answer.

Health を購読