ホーム / Homework Tags / GBC


High school classroom with teacher at blackboard and student raising his hand

Write about your high school. What kind of school was it? What kind of educational standards did it have?

Small town street with cable bus

Where are you from? Was it a good place to grow up? Tell us as much as you can about the place and the people and your childhood. What did you used to do? What did you like—and not like—about it?

People in an art gallery, one young woman sitting on the floor in front of a painting while others walk past

Who is your favourite artist? Describe his or her work and why you like it. What makes this artist's work more impressive than the work of other artists?

Crying baby

Did you have a bad day recently? What happened? Imagine you are telling your friend about it.

Statue of King Kamehameha in Hawaii

Who is a national hero in your country? What did this person do? Tell the story of the person's deeds and life.

Silhouettes of people playing beach volleyball at sunset

Think about your favourite sport. What aspect of that sport do you most like? What is the thing about that sport that makes it different from all the others?

city at night on left; farm field on right

Do you prefer to live in the city or the country? What are the good and bad points of both?

Business man talking on phone

If your boss makes a mistake, do you think it is better to tell them or not? If you do decide to tell them, how would you do it?

Young man studying on a laptop alone in a library

What technology is essential to your way of life? Why? How would life be different without it? What would you do?


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