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A church in Paraty

Capela de Santa Rita (the oldest church in Paraty) was completed in 1722

I am in Paraty, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with my family. We arrived here yesterday.

I am travelling with my wife and son, my mother and my friend from Sweden, his wife and their son. Late yesterday, we arrived in Paraty. It is a town on the coast between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It's more than 400 years old. The old city is very charming. The roads are paved with big flagstones. There are lots of old churches. At the docks, there are many colorful boats waiting to take the tourists out on day trips around the islands. Last night, we gorged ourselves on fresh seafood.

The colourful boats of Paraty

We spent today in the hills nearby. We swam in waterfalls. One was a huge, natural waterslide. We ate some simple, delicious local food for lunch.

We went to a beach in the afternoon. My son and my friend's son went hunting for seashells. We sat and talked, and watched the sun sink and darkness fall.

I am tired, but that good kind of tired you feel when you have been having fun. I think I will sleep like a log tonight.

charming — pleasant and attractive
gorge oneself on — eat until you are full
flagstone — large, heavy stones used on roads and pavements
sleep like a log — sleep deeply or sleep soundly

  • ユーザー Matthew の写真
    About me
    I am from New Zealand. I lived in Japan and Brazil for a long time, but now I am back home in Auckland. I am the founder of Poligo. I like to play guitar and video games and surf when I get the chance. I have a wife and two boys.
    I specialize in teaching English to professionals and English teachers. I have taught English since 2001 in Japan, New Zealand and Brazil. I speak Japanese & Portuguese. I am the founder of Poligo and The English Farm (an online school for business English).


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