ホーム / Writing Ideas / Email: Job posting for medical assistant

Email: Job posting for medical assistant

Young White female medical assistant viewing a small slide
Ani Kolleshi via Unsplash

FROM: Marguerite LeBron
TO: Mr. Geoffrey Harris
SUBJECT: Job posting

Dear Mr. Harris: I saw your job posting for a licensed medical assistant. I recently relocated from Paris and need to find work. I received my license from the Bureau de Médecin in 2011 and have kept it up to date since then. If the position is still open, I would like very much to apply. Please let me know what other information you need.

Thank you for your attention,
Marguerite LeBron

[Respond to Marguerite as though you are Geoffrey Harris, HR Manager at a London hospital. Be sure to address her questions and make at least two requests for more information from her.]


塾講師、学校教師など英語のプロたちから絶大な信頼をうけるネイティブの英語講師陣による、英語校閲&解説サービス。あなたの理解度・満足度が100%になるまでおつきあい! 入会金/会費無・利用時払い可能・1文字2円から・退会自由・プライバシー厳守。英語力UP効果抜群のブログも展開中です。通常12時間以内、最長24時間以内の返信をお約束します。あなたの英語の文章がより洗練され、効率よく勉強できます。

  • 入会金無料
  • プライバシー厳守
  • 利用時払いも可能
