ホーム / Writing Ideas / Email: Medical tech company

Email: Medical tech company

Contract, laptop, medical supplies
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Directions: Respond to this email as though you are Dr. Moncrief. Suggest ONE possible time to meet, and ask TWO questions about their service.

Dear Dr. Moncrief,

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and my company. My name is Michael Hartnett and I am a sales manager at HealthCo. Our company provides customers with cutting-edge technology for all their medical supply needs.

At HealthCo, there are a number of services we can offer, such as inventory tracking, ordering supplies, and billing. Our employees are highly dedicated and are willing to help you with your every need. 

I’d love the opportunity to speak or meet with you to discuss your needs further and to tell you more about how HealthCo can help you succeed. You can contact me at 888-HealthCo(888-432-8426), ex. 123, with any questions you may have.

Thank you,



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  • 入会金無料
  • プライバシー厳守
  • 利用時払いも可能
