ホーム / Homework Tags / Work
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む


hand with watch inside circle ringed with city buildings

Describe your typical workday. What do you do first? Then what? When are you finished?

lobby and receptionist in office building

Have you worked for other companies? How were they different from your current company?

If you haven't worked for another company, what sort of company would you like to work at?

word cloud wages

Should companies pay a living wage rather than a minimum wage?

yellow hanging file folders with red labels "important" "top priority" "overdue" "HELP!"

Do you think you are good at organizing your work? 

  • If YES: How do you organize it? Have you always been good at it?
  • If NO: What problems does being disorganized cause? Have you always been bad at it?
man's hands at table with laptop, woman in background

If your team has different opinions about a task, how do you bring them together?


Work を購読