ホーム / Homework Tags / If
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む


Two young girls swimming and splashing

If you had the time and the money, what would be your dream vacation? You can go anywhere and do anything!

Young man studying on a laptop alone in a library

What technology is essential to your way of life? Why? How would life be different without it? What would you do?

word "future" in black capital letters on a blue background

If you could know about one thing in 50 years, what would it be? Why are you interested in that?

Two White men shaking hands by a car, 1920s, old photo

If you could live at any time in history, what period would you choose? What would you do? Why?

Young girl in classroom looking out the window at undersea scene with turtle

Finish this thought with your own ideas:

If we could breathe underwater...

Write as much as you can. Try to think about the good side and the bad side.

Multilingual spelled with wooden letter shapes in a pile

Finish this idea with your own thoughts:

If the world spoke one language...

Write as much as you can. What would be the positive outcomes? What bad things might happen?


If を購読