ホーム / Homework Tags / Future
支払い通貨を米ドル、新しい価格に変更。 6月24日より。 もっと読む


Open book on top of open laptop

Some people say that the internet and TV will make books obsolete in the future. Do you agree? If it comes true, will it be a good or a bad thing? Explain your reasoning.

clocks set to different times swirling into galazy

If you could travel in time, would you want to go into the future or the past? Why?

Fantasy representation of time portal

If you could travel to any time in history, what time period would you choose and why? 

word "future" in black capital letters on a blue background

If you could know about one thing in 50 years, what would it be? Why are you interested in that?


Future を購読