ホーム / Homework Tags / Beginner


Family sitting by campfire by mountain lake

QUESTION: Do you like to go camping with your family?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → What do you like to do with your family?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
Man spooning food from a jar

QUESTION: Do you like eating at home?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → Why not?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
red dog with face on book wearing glasses

QUESTION: Do you like studying in your free time?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → Why not?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
orange striped cat sitting upright on table in kitchen

QUESTION: Do you have pets in your home?

  • If YES → Please say more about them.
  • If NO → What kind of pet would you like to have?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
Woman dancing in Japanese festival costume

QUESTIONDo you like going to festivals in the summer?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
snow in desert with rock formations

QUESTIONWhich do you like better, hot weather or cold weather?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
Ramen burger with carrot sticks and fries

QUESTIONWhich do you like better: Japanese food, or Western food?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
mug with liquid and cinnamon sticks on dark background

QUESTIONWhich do you drink more often: tea, or coffee?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
Colorful VW beetles with days of the week on the side

QUESTION: What is your favorite day of the week?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.
Young people with backpacks walking past sign "tomorrow starts now"

QUESTIONWhat do you want to be in the future?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.


Beginner を購読