ホーム / Homework Tags / About Me

About Me

young white man in library

If you decided to change your major, what would you change it to?

baby headphones smiling

QuestionWhat kind of music do you like? 

Use specific details and your best vocabulary in your answer.

people horizontal wine glasses warm

QuestionWhat are your plans for this evening?

Use specific details and your best vocabulary in your answer.

person sleeping in bed

QuestionWhat do you like to do before going to bed?

Use specific details and your best vocabulary in your answer.

person spreading jam on toast

QuestionWhat did you do first this morning?

Use specific details and your best vocabulary in your answer.

Family sitting by campfire by mountain lake

QUESTION: Do you like to go camping with your family?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → What do you like to do with your family?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
Man spooning food from a jar

QUESTION: Do you like eating at home?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → Why not?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
red dog with face on book wearing glasses

QUESTION: Do you like studying in your free time?

  • If YES → Say more about it.
  • If NO → Why not?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.
orange striped cat sitting upright on table in kitchen

QUESTION: Do you have pets in your home?

  • If YES → Please say more about them.
  • If NO → What kind of pet would you like to have?

Task instructions

  1. Read the question.
  2. Choose either YES or NO and complete the task.
  3. Write about 25–35 words.


About Me を購読