ホーム / Homework Tags / Experience


Group of children sitting on the edge of a pool by a beach splashing with their feet

What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it in detail. Say what happened, and try to say how you felt then and how you feel now looking back.

Train track junction where one branch splits off from another

Describe a moment when your life changed forever. What happened? How is your life different now? What did you think and feel? Do you wish you could go back to your life before it happened?

Young man working at an office desk

What was your first job after you graduated from university? Did your university studies prepare you for it?

Sign on metal box along the street that says "Living abroad makes everything an adventure"

Do you think it is worthwhile to spend time living in another country? Is it something everyone should do? Explain the benefits of living abroad. Is there a downside (negative point)?

Diverse young women and one older woman in French train station with luggage

Have you ever lived abroad to study or work for a long time? Think about these things when writing your answer:

  • Did the experience change you in any way? How?
  • Did your thoughts or feelings about your country change? How?
  • What did you miss about home?
  • Did you realise that there are some things about your home country that could be done better or differently?
Map of the world with pushpins and string marking different locations

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? What would you do there? Why there and not some other place?

Use the basic structure of a strong argument in your answer. (See Examples and hints.)

Crowded beach in Amalfi, Italy

Think about a trip you went on (good or bad). Describe the trip. Write about what you would do differently if you went to that place again. Explain why you would do things differently and how that would change your experience of the place.

Be sure to use vivid language and anecdotes in your answer. (See Examples and hints.) 

Two boys looking in awe at something above them

If you have traveled, write about the place that had the biggest impact on you. Where did you go? What happened and how did it change you?

Suitcase with passport

Have you ever been abroad? Where did you go?

Tell a story, also known as an anecdote, about something that happened on that trip. (See Examples and hints.)

Young woman wearing graduation gown and mortar board

What did you study at university/college? Why did you choose to study that? Do you think it was the right decision? Why or why not?

Use some testimony in your answer. (See Examples and hints.)


Experience を購読